Description of the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the website (the "Website" of kZoomi) and regulates the processing of personal data developed by kZoomi, the owning entity of the Website and the one responsible for its exploitation. kZoomi will carry out the processing of the personal data of the costumer when he / she visits the Website and interacts with the several services and functionalities offered by it.

This Privacy Policy has been drafted in accordance with the Recommendation No. 2/2001, adopted on May 17, 2001 by the article 29 - Working Group on Data Protection, in relation to the minimum requirements for the collection in line of the customers data within the European Union, and also constitutes a declaration of informed consent to the interested parties in accordance with current legislation on data protection ("Data Protection Act").

This Privacy Policy always specifies the identity of the person in charge of the treatment, who will supervise and manage the collection and processing of the customers data through the Website, and it also indicates what personal data is collected and the purpose behind this data collection. In these Terms it will be explained the scope of communication of personal data to third parties, the security measures taken to protect and safeguard the data and mechanisms established so that the user can verify what data relating to his person is being treated and the rights recognized by the Data Protection Act.

Responsible for Treatment and Privacy Representative Managers

The person responsible for the processing of personal data is: KZOOMI S.L. whose registered office is at C/ Marie Curie, 23-25 (Elche Parque Empresarial) , 03203, Elche, Alicante and with the telephone number +34 675402422.

Categories of data being processed and Purposes of the data processing.

In general, the fact of visiting and consulting kZoomi Website does not entail the collection and processing of the user's personal data. The processing of the personal data of the user who visits the Website is limited to the so-called 'navigation data', that is, all the data that are necessarily transmitted to the Website by the computer systems responsible for its administration and the Internet's own communication protocols.

The navigation data includes, for example, the IP address or domain names of the customers computers that connects to the kZoomi Web Page, in addition to a series of parameters related to the type of operating system used by the user. Navigation data such as those mentioned above and, for example, the number or duration of visits to the Website of each individual, is collected and processed by kZoomi solely and exclusively for statistical purposes and anonymously, in addition to verifying the correct functioning of the Website and improving its operability and content.
Due to the own nature of the navigation data, this type of data may allow the identification of the user if they are associated with other data retained by some third parties; however, kZoomi does not collect navigation data to associate with any identified users. The navigation data is deleted after the anonymous treatment of this data is completed. Such data may be used to debug responsibilities in the event of a cybercrime being committed against or through the Website. Except in the case indicated above, kZoomi retains the user's navigation data exclusively during the maximum period of time allowed by the applicable legislation before erasing it.
On the other hand, kZoomi carries out the collection and processing of personal data that the user voluntarily provides when interacting with the Website and when the user request the services offered there, for example, when subscribing to the Website , to our newsletter or mailing list; when purchasing products through the Website which includes all activities related to the purchase of products such as product delivery, billing, return and exchange of products, repayments, purchase and use of gift cards and electronic gift cards, and depending on the case, payment activities including fraud prevention, customer service and interaction with our call center; participating in promotions and other activities organized through the Website, such as competitions; when requesting information from kZoomi or sending questions, communications or opinions to kZoomi by traditional mail or through the Website.
We will handle the personal data of the user in order to comply with all the requirements established by the laws, regulations and community legislation, and for the exercise of legal actions or procedural defense actions.

We will also be able to process the personal data of the user when he/she contacts our customer service and call center, which can communicate with the user and, therefore, carry out the processing of their personal data via email, chat and telephone.

The user may also finalize the purchase of our products by calling our call center, following the procedure specified in our Terms and Conditions. For the purposes of processing your personal data when making a purchase on our Website, consult the corresponding data protection policy.

The call center will help the user to finish the purchase by telephone and to process his order on his behalf and for this purpose; kZoomi will obtain the personal data and the data of the user's credit card. The call center will also record the telephone number of the user to call you back and for back-office purposes in order to assist you and provide you with the information you have requested.

The described activities of marketing, statistics and creation of profiles can also be developed by our call center with the consent of the user. In some cases, and for the purposes of internal training, quality control and verification, calls may be recorded and e-mail messages may be stored unless prohibited by applicable law. The user will always be informed before recording his communication and he/she may oppose such recording except when it is necessary to verify his purchase or for any other cause that contemplates the applicable legislation.

In addition, kZoomi may carry out the processing of the user's personal data with their consent, provided on an optional basis, for the purpose of preparing surveys; for marketing purposes. That is, to send the customer information and promotional material about the products and services of the kZoomi group, campaigns, promotions and other promotional materials via e-mail or other electronic means of communication such as SMS, MMS, fax, etc. and for profiling creation.

The personal data of the user may also be shared with other companies of the kZoomi group for the development of the activities of marketing and creation of previously defined profiles. The user may oppose, at any time and free of charges, to the processing of their personal data for the sending of information and promotional material of the kZoomi group. Each communication will contain a specific section describing the procedure (easy to follow and free) to revoke this consent of kZoomi.
Personal data collected and processed by kZoomi include the name of the user and contact information such as address, telephone number, email address and other optional information provided by the user. The sections of the Website on which the data collection takes place contain a declaration of informed consent. When required by the Data Protection Act, kZoomi will request the consent of the user before proceeding to process their personal data.
When you give us personal information about a person, (for example, by using the 'email to a friend' feature, the features of the gift card or any other cases) to the extent permitted by applicable law, the user confirms the communication of such personal data and its subsequent processing by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy comply with the applicable of data protection laws. Consequently, you must inform the person in advance and as necessary, obtain their consent to carry out the processing of the personal data for the purposes established in this Privacy Policy.

Place of storage for personal data

The personal data collected through the Website will be treated by kZoomi.

The processing of personal data will be carried out exclusively by authorized and designated personnel to access the data and carry out its treatment, including personnel designated to perform non-routine maintenance tasks of the Website.

Conditions and characteristics of the processing of personal data

The processing of personal data collected by kZoomi is carried out mainly by electronic and automated means, but also by non-electronic and non-automated means (manual processing) through procedures and operations in accordance with the purposes of data processing as set out in this Privacy Policy.

The user's personal data will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws, which include security and confidentiality provisions, and will be kept only for the period of time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes pursued in each time and in accordance with applicable law.

Security and quality of personal data

kZoomi has made the commitment to ensure the security of the user's personal data.

kZoomi carries out the processing of personal data in compliance with the security regulations established by the applicable laws in order to prevent the accidental loss or destruction of data, unauthorized access to data and illegal or improper use of the data.

In addition, computer systems and software programs are configured so that personal and identifying user data are used only when they are strictly necessary to achieve the specific purpose of the processing of the data pursued at the moment.
kZoomi uses advanced security technologies and procedures to help protect the user's personal data against any of the risks described above. For example, personal data provided by the user is stored on secure servers located in controlled locations. In addition, encryption techniques such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol are used for the transmission of certain data over the Internet.
The user may help kZoomi to update and guarantee the accuracy of the personal data provided to kZoomi by notifying any change in its address, treatment, telephone number or e-mail address. Registered users can carry out the aforementioned actions on-line following the instructions published on the user's profile page within the Website.

Scope of personal data communication

kZoomi communicates the personal data of the user with the limitations and in the assumptions that are specified in this Privacy Policy and in the declaration of informed consent published in those sections of the Web Page in which the collection of personal data is carried out and, in any case, fully respecting the consent given by the user at the time of such collection, when required by the Data Protection Act.

Access to personal data of the user within the kZoomi organization shall be limited to those internal and external employees who so require to perform their functions related to the purposes of the treatment specified in this Privacy Policy. The updated list of Treatment Managers and of the recipients to whom the data may be communicated will be available to the user without any charge upon request to kZoomi.

The user’s personal data may be communicated to institutions, authorities, public entities, banks and other financial entities, professionals, independent consultants and also, in an associated manner, to trading partners and third party service providers to whom kZoomi can address for the purposes of the professional, technical and organizational services related to the management of the Website and the activities developed, such as products sales and the development of related activities, management of the functionalities offered by the Website, initiatives and services to which the user can subscribe and request through the Web Page, and for the provision of services strictly related to the achievement of the other purposes that are specified in this Privacy Policy.

In order to achieve the purposes related to the management of the Website and the development of related activities (for example, for the purchase of products through the Website or by telephone through our call center) the user's personal data also may be communicated to other companies in the kZoomi group located in the European Economic Area which will process the personal data for the purposes specified above and in accordance with applicable laws, including marketing and profiling activities.

With regards to the purchase of products, the processing of the data will be carried out by the corresponding local kZoomi entity domiciled in the place where the delivery will take place. This entity will act as responsible for the processing of your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws, for the following purposes: billing, sending products, returning and exchanging of products, repayments, purchase and use of Electronic gift cards and gift cards, and in some cases, payment activities including fraud prevention.
Likewise, for the closing of operations and payment processing, we turn to third party service providers who are responsible for the management and support of the e-com platform. Such providers are contractually obligated to take appropriate security measures to protect the security and confidentiality of personal data and credit card data of users.

Third parties who receive the personal data of the user in the terms specified above, will carry out the treatment of said data in the name of Treatment Managers (local kZoomi entities), in accordance with the applicable legislation on protection matters and for the same purposes specified above. Personal data may also be communicated to third parties in case of merger, acquisition or transmission of any of our assets, products, websites or operations.

These third parties will only receive the necessary information for the performance of their respective functions, and will be obliged to use the information received only for the purposes of the treatment specified above, to keep absolute reservation about said information, to protect it and to comply with the applicable legislation and Instructions they receive from kZoomi.

Third parties who receive your personal data are established within the European Economic Area and will process them in accordance with current legislation on data protection for the purposes previously specified.

Except in the cases described above, the personal data of the user will not be shared with third parties, individuals or legal entities not linked to the kZoomi group or those who do not perform commercial, professional or technical functions for kZoomi. Likewise, the personal data of the user may be communicated to the legitimate recipients of the communications provided in the laws and regulations, such as, for example, in the context of legal proceedings, at the request of judicial bodies or competent authorities, in compliance with other legal obligations and to protect and defend the rights and property of kZoomi and the Website.

The personal data of the user will not be communicated to third parties for marketing purposes nor will they be divulged in any case.

Delivery of personal information

Except as stated above in relation to navigation data (see the previous section "Categories of data subject to processing, Purposes of data processing"), the supply of personal data by the user is necessary to provide the services and to provide the functionalities offered by the Website and needed by the user, such as managing the user's subscription to the Web Page, the newsletter or mailing list, managing the purchase of products by the user to through the kZoomi Website and the development of related activities, manage the user participation in promotions and other activities organized through the Website (like contests and sweepstakes), manage and respond to requests for information, questions, communications or opinions sent to kZoomi, as well as managing the curriculum vitae (CV) sent by the user within a process of selection of personnel and any other information sent by the user.

The supply of user’s personal data to carry out the activities required to comply with applicable law is mandatory. The refusal by the user to provide their personal data in the aforementioned cases would prevent kZoomi from fulfilling its contractual obligations or providing the user with the services, products or information requested in the terms indicated above.

The supply of data by the user’s part for the preparation of surveys, for the development of marketing activities and for the creation of profiles in accordance with what is established above is optional; Your refusal to provide your personal data in such circumstances will not in any way affect kZoomi's ability to fulfill its contractual obligations and provide the user with the services, products or information requested in the terms indicated above.

User rights in data protection matters

The user may exercise at any time the rights recognized by the current legislation on data protection, including but not limited,  the right to verify at any time the existence of their personal data and the content, origin or accuracy of such data, request its integration, updating, modification or elimination of the data, and oppose (with a justified cause) the processing of the data (including the right to oppose at any time and for free, the processing of the personal data for direct marketing purposes).

If the user wishes to send any query or request regarding the processing of their personal data by kZoomi and exercise the rights recognized by the Data Protection Law, the user can contact kZoomi through the following contact details: at the postal address "KZOOMI S.L." C/ Marie Curie, 23-25, 03203, Elche, Alicante, Spain and C.I.F. B42519678; Or sending an email using the available form through the following link: contact.

This Privacy Policy may be updated and revised by kZoomi. The version published in the Web Page is the current and valid version. If kZoomi modifies this Privacy Policy, it will be notified to the user by a published link connected to the modified version of the Privacy Policy on the homepage of the Website, with the following text: "New version of the Privacy Policy". kZoomi invites the user to periodically read this Privacy Policy to keep informed about the corresponding changes.